Metabody: From Cyborg to Symborg |
The 1996-2000 Metabody site, now an archive of the project. |
This archive site provides details and reviews of the 1997/1999 CD ROM created by MERLIN, titled: Metabody: From Cyborg to Symborg, an exploration of the human machine interface, robots, golems and automata, featuring an archive of the work of the performance artist Stelarc. | |||
The 1997 Mac-only Metabody CD ROM was reversioned for PC in 1999. The CD ROM is out of print but is in many archives. The dedicated Metabody site no longer operates as part of the project. | |||
For discussion of related issues see Avatar and Golem Inc, on avatars and virtual worlds. | |||
See also Technical Information regarding the installation of the Mac and PC Version 1.1. of the Metabody ROM. | |||
"This is a gesture towards another, and only partial, rendering or cartography of the territories of being and self-image. Its aim is a dynamic mapping of the territory of digital self-reference and replication." | |||
"...but this is not a static or totalising map or model, it is a paradoxical and animated representation of living-in-the-world." | |||