3V and Merlin Integrated Media
Submission to
the Productivity Commission Broadcasting Inquiry,

May 1999.

Contents and Scope of Inquiry

  1. Executive Summary and Main Recommendations
  2. Overview
  3. New Developments
  4. Economic and Social Dimensions, the Objectives of Legislation
  5. Deregulation
  6. Convergence
  7. Technology "Neutral" Legislation
  8. New Media and Its Benefits
  9. Appendices- Tier Zero and Open Access Cable, 3V and Merlin
  10. Full Version of Submission.

"Scope of Inquiry

4. The Commission is to advise on practical courses of action to improve competition, efficiency and the interests of consumers of broadcasting services. In doing so, the Commission should focus particular attention on balancing the social, cultural and economic dimensions of the public interest and have due regard to the phenomenon of technological convergence to the extent it may impact upon broadcasting markets.

(a) identify the nature and magnitude of the social and economic problems that the legislation seeks to address;

(b) clarify the objectives of the legislation;

(c) identify whether and to what extent the legislation restricts competition;

(d) identify relevant alternatives to the legislation, including non-legislative approaches;

(e) analyse and, as far as reasonably practicable, quantify the benefits, costs and overall effects of the legislation and the alternatives identified in (d);

(f) identify the different groups likely to be affected by the legislation and alternatives;

(g) List the groups and individuals consulted during the review and outline their views, or reasons why consultation was inappropriate;

(h) determine a preferred option for regulation, if any, in light of the objectives set out in (4);

(i) examine what mechanisms for increasing the overall efficiency of the legislation and, where it differs, the preferred option"

(pp. 2,3, Terms of Reference, Issues Paper, May 99, Broadcasting Inquiry, Productivity Commission)

< Index

Part 1 >

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